Quick Start Guide


If using Windows and trying to run locally, it is unsupported, but you will need Windows Subsystem for Linux and Docker Desktop at a minimum in addition to the above.

Download and Install

Open a terminal and run the following to download and install ESA:

git clone https://github.com/experian-sales-advisor/ESA
cd ESA

Environment Setup

You can choose to skip the environment setup and accept default values by entering Y on the first question Quick Setup without advanced configuration? (Y for yes, N for No).


If you chose N, see the Environment Variable Setup documentation for guidance on setup.

Install Options

You will be prompted to choose an install option. Choose Option 1 to get started quickly.


Running and Updating ESA

Any time you want to run or update ESA, run the following commands from your ESA directory:


If you're running with the option Run ESA and Text Generation Web UI with Docker (NVIDIA Only), you can access the Text Generation Web UI at http://localhost:7860/?__theme=dark to download and and configure your models. The AI_PROVIDER_URI will be http://text-generation-webui:5000 for your ESA agents.

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